Jacob’s Well is an article series written by Br James Hodge FMS. This series began as formational opportunity for the National Marist Youth Ministry team over the COVID-19 lockdown period in March-April 2020, but has continued to be a nourishing source of information for Young Marists and Teachers in Marist Schools.
Jacob’s well has a long history in our ancient Judeo-Christian story. It is a physical place in the Holy Land, currently lying in the crypt of the Greek Orthodox Monastery of Saint Jacob’s Well in Nablus in the West Bank (modern day Israel/Palestine). The Well has a longstanding relationship and history for the people of Judaism and Islam, due to its ancient connection to the patriarch Jacob, the son of Isaac and the grandson of Abraham. Jacob’s Well is the setting in John 4:1-32 for Jesus’ meeting with the Samaritan woman. For Christians, Jacob’s well represents a place where a person can come and encounter Jesus as Saviour. It is a powerful place of encounter, reminding us that Jesus is the source of never-ending replenishment, particularly when we are feeling worn out, alone and exhausted. Jacob’s well touches both physical and spiritual needs. It is a meaningful analogy for the type of sharing and nourishment that I hope these resources will provide.

Jacob's Well: Marian Resources