Year 11 Forum - Meaning and Purpose
Year 11 Forum - Meaning and Purpose
The concept of vocation has a very different meaning in contemporary culture. The emphasis is placed on an individualised understanding of the meaning of life, often without reference to the bigger picture. As Marists, we aim to break the status quo of relativity, re-embracing the faith of mystery and the connecting sacred. This Forum leads students to develop a discerning approach to the questions in front of them, towards answers that can give their life a sense of meaning and purpose. By approaching the future and the world prayerfully, students create an understanding that they are known and loved by a Creator who calls them to life.
On-site, single day program by MYM team (whole cohort, $7.50/student)
Self-facilitated program by school staff (free of charge)
Students approach their future and their world prayerfully and discerning. They understand that their life is one, wild and precious. They question the status quo and culture, seeking deeper meaning and calling from amongst the options in front of them.
Students grow in appreciation of their gifts and talents.
Students develop an outlook of discernment, which enables them to select purposefully between options and pathways.
Students identify ways in which they are called to offer their life in meaningful service of God, the world and others.
Resources Included
Powerpoint/Keynote presentation slides
All multimedia
Full program run down and script
Please note: once you make your order on our online store, you will receive a seperate email with an invoice and payment details and instructions to access the program.